Friday, January 21, 2011

7: 15 on a Friday


Subject: the place
Focus: the natural world without humans
-generally more formal
-have many principals of designs

Landmarks in Landscape Photography

  • the first inspirations was looked for in the land
  • Carleton E. Watkins 
    • 1829-1926
    • wanted to capture the american west
    • opened a gallery in SF in 1885 
    • 1861 - photographed Yosemite
    • first to be called art
  • Ansel Adams 
    • 1902-1984
    • also inspired by Yosemite
Photographing the Landscape

-Thinking Artistically 
  • composition very important
    • most important part of that is composition
    • position
      • high/low
      • zoom-in/zoom-out
      • goal: best value
  • Value (especially in black and white)
    • what mood are you looking for?
    • more tones = more dramatic
    • narrower = more contemplative
  • variety
    • balancing unity and variety if done well is great
      • if not done right can look chaotic
-Camera Settings
  • stopt the lens as far as it will go
    • f/16, f/22, f/32, f/64
  • with longer speeds a tri-pod is necessary!
  • top 2 best times: sunrise and ...... yep you guessed it!..Sunset!
  • the colors are just astounding - 
  • direct light is best for focusing on distant objects
  • the direct light with the shadows gives things a 3D look
  • however overcast is best.
  • digital oriented is best
  • 100ISO with a large format to get the best/ sharpest image
  • B&W shows the value, line, shape, texture, and patterns
    • color can sometimes over power images like this
  • wide angles lens are best for scene
  • can focus close and far hours
  • Macro lens are useful for close up images and abstract shots
- Filters 
  • yellow filters bring out clouds
  • other filters will emphasizes the different things
    • along with polarizers

-Camera Support
  • Use A TRIPOD!
The Grand Landscape
  • the "Big View"
  • any location (especially parks) is good
  •  landscapes include wide lenses and expansive scenes
  • with the horizons - rule of thirds

Landscape Details and Close-ups
  • japanese parks are best 
    • sometimes parks can be too busy
  • overcast is best 
    • John Sexton refers to it as "quiet light"
Abstract Elements in Land Scape
  • abstract elements = images from lines shapes values and textures
  • formed by getting really close to a subject
  • try and get as in depth as possible
  • use a tripod


Timothy O'Sullivan
  • 1886 - learned by working for matthew bradely
  • sent to shoot the civil war (haa ha, get it? shoot- civil war? lol)
  • 1862- own studio
  • principal for book - photo sketchbook of the war 
  • first to photograph beyond the mississippi
  • died at 42

Carr Clifton
  • has spent 30 years in photography
  • startded in the late 70's 
  • learned from his neighbor philip hyde
  • he is famous for his out door photography
  • he often shoots boats and has his photography in museums. 

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