Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Food Photography.... Yummmm

  • Close up
  • focus on one element
    • limited/ artsy 
    • 1 element per photo
  • Angle
    • 10-45* above table top 
      • 3D effect
  • lots of color
  • mostly clients and advertisements (ex: cookbooks) 
    • for packing food no creativity
      • shoot what client wants
      • ex: label on water bottle
    • Advertising similar to packing (all predesigned) 
      • can play with light/props
  • smaller light source - easy to over expose
  • can use variety of light
    • types
    • direction 
    • mirrors
      • highlights and shadows
  • TIPS:
    • crop tightly
      • zoom in
    • Add oil for shine
    • dont over prop
      •  especially if shooting below object

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